Survey & Ego Bait Infographics – Build Links the Safe Way [VIDEO]

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How to use a survey infographic to safely build links:

Anyone can publish an infographic. Even a good one. But what about earning links with an infographic? It seems that everyone and their moms are publishing infographics these days, but for what? Sure, there are KPI’s that go beyond SEO, such as general branding, evergreen content, referral traffic, social media shares, and creating relationships with bloggers and media. Let’s be honest though – a truly successful infographic will generate natural links.

The quandary that I set out to solve upon building a recent infographic was coming up with a way to increase my chances of earning real, high quality links. I decided that in conjunction with my infographic, I would create a survey, and reach out to industry-related people (with blogs) who I would ultimately request a link from.

By involving ‘experts’ from the start of my infographic process, I automatically increased my chances of receiving legitimate links from relevant websites.

After completing the infographic, I explained the entire process in detail – check it out here:

The Video Presentation:

(Apologies for the audio quality – we had experienced some technical difficulties)

Picture of Shlomo Wiesen

Shlomo Wiesen

Originally from New York, Shlomo came to Israel and jumped into the world of hi-tech, and loves the fast paced Google chess game that is called SEO. In his spare time, Shlomo has a podcast, creates comics using Microsoft Paint, and utilizes his wiry 6’5 frame to play basketball.
Picture of Shlomo Wiesen

Shlomo Wiesen

Originally from New York, Shlomo came to Israel and jumped into the world of hi-tech, and loves the fast paced Google chess game that is called SEO. In his spare time, Shlomo has a podcast, creates comics using Microsoft Paint, and utilizes his wiry 6’5 frame to play basketball.

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